Alice Springs, 23.08.2007 English


After my biking tour in the Barossa Valley around Adelaide, I met my new-made German and Swiss friends in the hostel for the last night together... We did a pingpong competition and I became second!:) The day afterwards, I catched the train again to go to Alice Springs. In the train were a lot of Dutch people, so I had no problem to feel bored because we started immediately to chat about Australia, and the Netherlands of course...

Arriving in Alice Springs, I must admit that I do not really like this town. It is REALLY in the middle of nowhere and it looks very 'Texas'... I went to bed quite early the first night because I had booked a tour next day. Had to wake up at 6am and got back at midnight... But it was worth it: I visited Uluru (the big red stone), the Olga's and we finished the day with a BBQ to see the sunset. We saw dingoes, kangaroos, camels,... And who did I meet again there??? The Dutch from the train of course!:) On this tour, I met a German girl from Freiburg, who was the type you should definitely not expect in the Australian outback!!! The poor girl got... homesick! I really don't get that...!:)

Yesterday was a day to be lazy and relax... Although I went for a walk along the Todd River. The first River I have seen in my life without water!!! But it was a lovely walk through the outback and at the end I climbed a mountain where I could admire a wonderful panorama...

Though I met another 500 Germans in Alice Springs, I never had to share my room with a German... I had shared my room every night with some people from France... The first night, it was some guy from Cannes, who was very nice. I chatted the whole evening with him about what to visit in New Zealand. He was already travelling 5 months in the South Pacific. When I got back from my tour next day, I saw some papers on my bed and he had made a map of New Zealand: what I certainly had to visit... That was sooo nice! He also left his email address to change some pictures after travelling. The next night, I was soooo tired, felt asleep immediately but another Frenchman from Paris woke me up at 01.00am because he was snorring as a lion!!! After 5 minutes, I stood up, woke him up, and said to him:" I am sooooo sorry, but you are snorring very loud... Can you please lay down on your belly?". He answerred:'Je vais l'essayer'... He stopped snorring for the rest of the night and I had a lovely sleep... I however think that he did not sleep
anymore, just focussing not to snor anymore!!! Poor fellow!!!:))) But the best is still to come...

... Yesterday night, another French man... A French movie maker, working most of the time for Arte. I thought: 'that is interesting...' But it was the type who is starting to discuss the MOST existential questions of life after 5 minutes of conversation... So after 15 minutes I asked what he was doing in Australia and if he liked it. He did not like it here at all and find all Aussies 'des Boeufs'... Apparently the water is very deep between adventurers and philosophers... Ok, that was it for me. I went after 20 minutes of discussion to a bar around to corner to ask some guy in that bar the most existential question of the night "how ya going, mate?". I returned to the hostel at 01.00am and hoped that the movie maker was asleep... I do not want to say that I hate philosophy or thinking about life, but I am here to have a great time and NOT to find out why I am living...:)

This evening I will take train, for the last time, to Darwin. Be glad for that because it was enough train... I planned to stay in Darwin for 1 week in total. I will first relax (will be about 35 degrees there!!!:))) ) and swim in the sea (if no crocodiles or not much crocodiles:))) ). In the second half of the week, I will go on a tour to the Kakadu national Park for 2 days and 1 day to Litchfield National Park. Afterwards, I wanted to travel to Cairns... Because the flight ticket Darwin-Cairns is about 500 dollars, which is the same price as a 4-day tour from Darwin to Cairns (accomodation and food included), I took the tour... The Swiss girls and a girlie from Berlin (I met her yesterday in the hostel) did that tour already and it would be THE MAX!:) Keep you posted...:)


Adelaide, 18.08.2007 English


Here are some new pics:

New pictures, check them out here.

Take care, Ruben

Adelaide, 17.08.2007 English

Hi mates,

Because writing in Dutch, French and German is too much time-consuming and three times as expensive as just writing 1 email, I will from now on write in Australian!:) Moreover, I have to keep my Aussie friends informed about my travels as well! That would be a fourth language... No way...

I am in Adelaide for the moment and it was "3 times the first time"... I left for Adelaide on Wednesday with the train. About 800 km between Sydney and Adelaide in 24 hours... It was announced that this train, the Indian Pacific, is not a high speed train, which let you admire the landscapes even more... We drove through the beautiful Blue Mountains, before it became dark. Then it was a little boring, but luckily the train personnel showed us a movie: National Treasure. They should have showed an Australian movie, but anyway it was good because after 6 hours train, I was already a little fed up with it...!:) When we crossed the border between New South Wales and South Australia, we had to change our watches: It was the first time in my life that I had to change my watch with an half an hour! Luckily the train was not full so I could take 2 seats in order to sleep. OK, it is not waaaauh, but it is an "adventure travel". Certainly because there was some lady from El Salvador who was snorring... The funny thing is that I once saw in a movie of Louis de Fumes, La Grande Vadrouille, that you have to wispel... I did that once before and it really helps, so after 10 minutes, the snorring lady turned into a peaceful sleeping madame!:)

When the darkness of the night disappeared the following day, the landscape was 'typical Australian', as we, Europeans think of Australia...: red soil, low vegetation, I could see kangourous and emu's... I decided to take a shower first. It was the first time that I took a shower on the train...:) Around 6.30 am the train stopped in Broken Hill. We had 1.5 hour to get off the train and walk into this little mining town. Time seems to have stopped for 100 years over there...

The last hours in the train were terrible... But I was just happy to be 'almost' in Adelaide. The Indian Pacific goes on to Perth in another 2 additional days. I saw a lot of people that went on to Perth and I felt really sorry for them, but VERY happy for me! At 3pm we arrived in Adelaide.
I was the first time in my life to be in a village of 1 million inhabitants!!!:) Even the railway station seemed to be in the outback!!!
I am staying in the international youth hostel. There are just 2 kinds of people: Asians and Germans! There was some 'strange' girlie from Thailand who started to talk to me when I cooked my dinner. Luckily, there were 2 German speaking girls as well, so I started to chat with them. They come from Switzerland, Luzern (Yes, Irina, die Schweiz folgt mir ueberall!!!) and have that great Swiss German accent (I wanna have that accent as well!!!), later on a German from Krefeld joined us and so the Europeans were united for the rest of the evening!:) We played pingpong and went for a beer. Cool, because they all stay the same period in the hostel and we already said to have dinner tonight together as well!

Only my German friends will understand this:The German's name is Bernd, so I said to him 'Bernd, das Brot'. He was really surprised that I knew that... But not so happy that that joke about his name is now even known by a Belgian!!!:))) I told him how you have to pronounce my name in Flemish and that, at the beginning of my 2-year stay in Germany, I did not know that my name had a bloody meaning in German!!!:)

Today, I visited the town. I informed myself as well for tomorrow: because I have already a planned tour in Alice Springs and think that I will do the same in Darwin (kakadu National Park), I did not want to spend too much money on a tour through the Barossa Valley... I decided to take the buss tomorrow to the Barossa Valley and hire a bike over there... Sounds really cool! Now I am going back to the hostel in order to meet my new German and Swiss friends again...

C U and keep you informed!

Greetings from Adelaide...


Sydney, 13.08.2007 Francais

Salut tout le monde,

Ca fait maintenant un certain temps avant d'envoyer mes nouvelles!!! Desole! Demain, c'est mon dernier jour au boulot et le jour apres, je vais FINALEMENT commencer a voyager pour 2 mois...! Une p'tite partie de mon voyage est deja fixe je vais voyager plus que 3000 km en mois de 10 jours... Donc mercredi, je pars en train vers Adelaide. Je vais y arriver le jeudi. Je vais y passer 2 jours. Il y a beaucoup d'Allemands qui sont y emigres et on peut encore retrouver des traces de cette culture allemande... Je suis curieux si je peux y manger un 'Bratwurst' ou boire un 'Schwarzbier'...!? Apres ca, je vais partir vers Alice Springs afin d'adorer Ayers Rock, le grand rocher rouge, le symbole de l'Australie. 3 jours plus tard, je prends le train vers Darwin dans le nord de l'Australie... Apres ca, je ne sais pas encore ou aller, mais jesuis sur et certain d'avoir une reponse quand je suis a Darwin: plein de temps pour y penser quand je suis en train!!!

Je vous tiens au courant de mes aventures!!!!



Sydney, 07.08.2007 Deutsch


Endlich noch mal Neuigkeiten aus Australien!:) Und Grosse Neuigkeiten: ich habe letzte Woche gekuendigt hier! Meine Chefin aus Luxemburg (Herbalife) hat mir eine interessante Stelle angeboten und das werde ich ja auch machen! Ich muss den 1. November schon anfangen, also ist die Zeit jetzt wirklich da um herumzureisen!!!

Naechste Mittwoch geht's los: werde in ungefaehr 2 Wochen mehr als 3000 km reisen!:) Erst fahre ich nach Adelaide. Dort sind im Vergangenheit viele Deutscher eingewandert und man kann, anscheinend, die Deutsche Kultur noch richtig zurueckfinden. Bin ich mal gespannt. Es wird nicht so in Trier sein, aber ein Bisschen mehr 'Deutschland' ist nie schlecht!:) Dann fahre ich nach Alice Springs um den grossen Stein (Ayers Rock) mal an zu schauen und vielleicht hoch zu steigen! Und dann fahre ich weiter nach Darwin. Nachher weiss ich noch nicht so was ich machen werde. Aber ich werde im Zug mal genug Zeit haben um darueber nach zu denken.:)

Muss auch noch den Flug nach Hause buchen, bin mal gespannt ob das klappen wird, da schon viele Fluege ausgebucht sind. Spannend!!!

LG, Ruben

Sydney, 04.08.2007 Nederlands

Hoi iedereen,

Ik heb van mijn bazin uit Lux (Herbalife) een voorstel gekregen voor een senior functie! Natuurlijk heb ik dat aanvaard en moet op 01 november terug beginnen. Dus het wordt nu wel tijd om beginnen rond te reizen. Wanneer ik juist de vlucht terug neem, weet ik nog niet. Ik moet dat nog regelen en ik hoop dat ik uberhaupt een vlucht vind, want er zijn al vele vluchten volgeboekt. Dat wordt nog spannend!

Nog een week werken, en dan verlaat ik - snif snif snif - Sydney. Ik heb vandaag het eerste deel van mijn trip gepland!!! Dat maakt het wel een beetje 'excited', hoewel ik Sydney ga missen! Ik ga op 10 dagen meer dan 3000 km afleggen!!!!

Ik vertrek op 15 augustus met de trein naar Adelaide. Kom daar aan op 16 aug. Adelaide zou niet de meest aantrekkelijke stad van Oz zijn, maar ik wil er graag de Duitse invloed gaan opzoeken. Er zijn namelijk heel veel Duitsers uitgeweken naar Oz en die hebben zich meestal in Adelaide gevestigd! Er zouden daar werkelijk 'Duitse dorpjes' zijn.

De 19de ga ik met 'The Ghan' (een van de bekendste treinroutes in de wereld!!!) naar Alice Springs... Waar die grote rode steen te zien is... Op 23 Aug vertrek ik dan verder met 'The Ghan' om op 24/08 de Noordkust van Australie te bereiken in Darwin... Geen voetje baden in de zee daar, want er zouden daar zeekrokodillen zijn...:)

Wat ik daarna ga doen, weet ik nog niet. Maar ik zal in de trein wel genoeg tijd hebben om daarover na te denken...:)

Als het met die job in Luxemburg niet lukt, dan heb ik besloten om mijn Permanente Residentie aan te vragen voor Australie en dan emigreer ik definitief naar Sydney!!! Gisteren zijn we met de werkcollega's gaan karaoken... En als ik dat zo aanhoor, dan gaan er volgend jaar heel veel Australiers Luxemburg bezoeken!!!:)))

Groetjes, Ruben